
Selection of CNC Machining Center(3)

Selection of CNC Machining Center(3)

2022-07-06 13:50:25

5. Estimation of the number of CNC machining centers


For a typical processing part, the process route can be preliminarily determined according to the process analysis Determine the processing process contents of punch, die, electrode, etc. The cutting time of each process is obtained by cam simulation processing: and then considering the corresponding auxiliary time (generally 10%-20%t) and each tool change time (about 10-the 20s), the machining hours of each process can be calculated. The annual production capacity of the processing center can be preliminarily estimated based on 300 working days a year, two shifts, and 14-15h effective working hours a day. According to production requirements or process, balance requirements Determine the number of machining centers.


When choosing a machining center, you should pay attention to the coordination of the tempo between the upper and lower processes, and also pay attention to the configuration of external equipment to match the programming, operation, maintenance, and other links. In the mold processing industry, the phenomenon of machining centers shut down due to waiting for the processing program occurs from time to time.


cnc machining center


6. Selection of automatic tool changing device and tool handle


An automatic tool change device (ATC) is the basic feature of the machining center. There are not many tools needed for mold NC machining, and there is no high requirement for tool change time Try to choose the automatic tool changing device with a simple structure, high reliability, and easy maintenance. The capacity of the tool magazine of the machining center is generally 4-16. The cutting tools used in the machining center are composed of general cutting tools and tool handles matched with the taper holes at the front end of the spindle. Each standard has various sizes according to the handle diameter, commonly used are No. 40 and No. 50 tool handles. However, this kind of tool holder is not suitable for high-speed machining. HSK series short taper tool holders should be selected for high-speed machining centers.


The tool handle number can be selected according to the taper hole diameter at the front end of the spindle of the machining center, and the number of tool handles and an appropriate amount of tools can be selected according to the mold processing process plan. Pay attention to checking the standard of the rivet used by the machining center and the standard of the clamping part of the manipulator. In addition, it is also necessary to select a tool presetter.


7. Other options


Selection of automatic exchange worktable: since mold manufacturing is single-piece production, it is generally unnecessary to consider selecting multiple worktables.


Cooling device, chip removal device, and safety protection device: due to the large machining allowance and long processing time of the mold, large flow cooling device with full protective shield, fast and reliable chip removal device, and comprehensive and reliable protection function of the safety protection device should be selected.


Selection of machining center accessories: when selecting a machining center, in addition to carefully considering its basic functions and basic parts, some selection functions, and accessories, such as tool status monitor, should also be selected. High-reliability accessories corresponding to production requirements shall be selected.


The selection of the processing center should also consider the brand, reliability (more than 600 hours), quality of key accessories, maintenance service network, environmental protection, safety certification, and other factors.


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